We have completed the drawing!
The winners for the free songwriter mentoring sessions in December are:
Connie Davis Rouse
Dan Scully
Please contact us at 615-279-8030 to set up your mentoring session!
Songwriters, sign up to win one of 2 free Mentoring Sessions in January!
If your name was not selected for December, please sign up for a chance to win in January. If you have entered before, you only need to do step one again. If you’ve never entered, please complete the entry requirements below:
To register:
1. Send an email to with the subject 'Mentor Drawing'.
2. Sign up for our studio email updates.
3. Like Beaird Music Group on Facebook.
4. Tell us how you found out about us.
If your name is drawn, supply an MP3 and lyric sheet of one song in advance of the mentoring session.
The Mentoring Sessions
Larry has been researching hit songs for the last 3 years, and he uses this information to show writers how their songs compare to the hits. You can check out some of his research by viewing one (or all) of his Songwriter Minute videos.
Each Mentoring Session includes one 40-minute meeting with Larry (in person or via Skype). Two free spots will be available each month, and participants will be determined by random drawing (selected from email registration each month).
Time permitting, each winner will have a chance to do any or all of the following:
1. Have songs charted by Larry.
2. Discuss musical arrangements* for the song(s).
3. Talk about the music business in general.
4. Receive a tour of our studios (in person or via Skype)
Deadline to Enter
The deadline to apply for the free January mentoring sessions is December 31, 2017. The January winners’ names will be drawn on January 1, 2017.
You are not required to record with us to receive a free mentoring session. Current clients are welcome to apply.
Dates and times for the Mentoring Sessions will be determined after the writers have been selected each month. We will try to find a date and time that works well for both Larry and each writer.
Writers can also schedule paid mentoring sessions at the rate of $100 per 40-minute meeting.
We wish you the best with your music and look forward to seeing you!
Aaron Beaird
Beaird Music Group, Inc.
*Arranging of chords to go with voice-only recordings is available for a fee, but not included with the free mentoring session.